PinnedPublished inClear Yo MindBreaking The Cycle Of OppressionMy journey from powerlessness and control to reclaiming boundaries and self-autonomyDec 16, 2024Dec 16, 2024
PinnedEmbracing the Wild: My Journey of Re-Wilding and BecomingWelcome to Wild Lion*esses Pride! Join me, Jay Siegmann, on a journey of healing, re-wilding, and self-discovery through creativity…Sep 23, 20241Sep 23, 20241
Are You Still Silent, Or Want Your Inner Voice Speak It’s Truth?A fictional story about the worth of silence and its power and when it is time to rise, to shine and step into your own truth and power.Jan 19Jan 19
Published inThe Rainbow RoadWill You Stand for Dignity, or Betray Your Conscience?I faced the question will I stay silent or will I stand for my truth and the dignity of othersJan 141Jan 141
Published inPrism & PenQueer Resilience: A Letter from Love about DignityDear Unconditional Love, what would you have me know about my non-binary and lesbian dignity?Dec 21, 20241Dec 21, 20241
Finde In Dir Die Kraft, Verletzlichkeit In Stärke Zu VerwandelnWie mir die Annahme meiner Verletzlichkeit die Tür zu Erhabenheit und Mut öffnete und den Weg zu innerer Freiheit ebneteDec 18, 2024Dec 18, 2024
Wie Ich Würde Und Selbstwert Neu Entdeckte Und Zu Meiner Inneren Wahrheit FandEine Reise zu meinem wahren Wert und der Frage, was Würde wirklich bedeutet — nicht als bloßes Konzept, sondern als ein Teil von mir, den…Dec 16, 2024Dec 16, 2024
Published inRootedRediscovering Advent Through Baking and TraditionStep into a world where Advent shines through traditions, baking, and hope for the futureDec 16, 2024Dec 16, 2024
Published inSummitHow Dignity Transforms Shame Into Self-AcceptanceA journey from toxic shame to rediscovering my true SelfDec 16, 20242Dec 16, 20242
Befreiung von inneren KettenMein Weg von Machtlosigkeit und Kontrolle hin zu selbst gesetzten Grenzen und AutonomieDec 16, 2024Dec 16, 2024